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  Issue #110

Layla and Majnun at school together (Bodleian Library)

Mike's Pith & Wind - Smoke and mirrors
My van, the ubiquitous white Mitsubishi Express that’s employed to ferry us and our equipment all over this big, brown land, is not used to being sparkling clean, but at some point remedial cleaning has to be undertaken, even if it’s confined to just the cabin windows and mirrors. Yesterday was such a day, and I was driving down Stephensons Rd on my daily visit to Camberwell when I glanced in my side mirror and saw another van looming. ‘Good picture’ I thought – and then realised the terminology I’d employed. As I’ve mentioned on the website, things of a technical nature have been happening lately in the studio – and the lounge room for that matter – and they’ve clearly been preoccupying my mind. For instance, I’m now the proud owner of a run-out model Sony Bravia 40” TV in the lounge, which is about thirty years ahead of what it replaces. It was a two-man operation to dismount the old TV from its pedestal and put it onto a trolley and coax it into the back of the van – and if there hadn’t been a couple of helpful blokes at the recycling bay at the Camberwell tip I might yet be trying to wrestle its mortal remains into the dead TV corral.
By contrast, the new one practically floated to its spot on the altar and had to be tethered down to stop it floating away again. But it’s certainly got a ‘good picture’ – if slightly garish for my taste.
But, back to mirrors. There maybe a case for suggesting that the invention of some means of reflecting one’s image to one’s self, i.e. a mirror, has been.. read more

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Dick's Toolbox - Why nations fail
You might, in a philosophical mood, look at the nations of the world and thank either an accident of birth or random decision that sees you resident in Australia sometime in the second millennium, because an even casual inspection of most countries now or in the past would indicate that they were, in popular parlance, total crap to live in for the vast majority of people. We all have serious reservations about the state of Australia and the state of Australian States, but it is unlikely that ragtag army of AK-47 and machete toting bandits will walk over the hill with murder, rape, pillage on their minds; nor is the government likely to give your money and land to a member of their extended family with the explanation that they need it more; nor is it likely - the egregious ASIO Amendment (Terrorism) Act accepted - that you will find yourself disappearing to be water-boarded by.. read more

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